Wysteria Blend

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

All Aboard at Picture Company

New Year, New Job! It's been really fun at The Picture Company. It's like I'm back in school. As in I have "classmates" and we're all girls, we have to study (syempre we have to learn the stuff), and we have tests. But it's ok. I'm doing pretty ok at those stuff.

So what's been going on aside from work... I've been watching cartoons. That's my homework. Cool no! As in my regularly scheduled programs are Hi5 and Dora the Explorer. I'm actually so tuwa with them. Maybe I should watch them with Macie so it will be more enjoyable.

So, ayun!

Music: "Dora Dora Dora, the explorer..."

Posted by Caren :: 11:16 PM :: 0 Cups Brewing:

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